Monday, May 14, 2012

A New Chapter

A new chapter starts tomorrow for our family. After the amazing gift of time at home with my baby, I am returning to work.

I have cried every day since Shepherd was born, and even before, thinking about how this deadline looms and how I will have to leave him. It is here, and it inescapable. It is hard.

I want you to know that I am thankful for the wonderful people I work with, and I am grateful for the ability to work when so many can't.

Simultaneously, my heart aches. I didn't know if I would write about this, as it is just another reminder. But maybe acknowledging how I feel will ease the sadness. I have read about guilt, but, at least for now, this is not guilt. I'm simply sad.

I'm trying to think of this as a chapter in our lives and not the whole story. I will take each day, day-by-day, and pray that it gets easier as time passes. We do what we must.

Will you please keep me in your prayers for the next few days? I'd much appreciate it! xox.


Julia said...

You are in my prayers! Praying for an easy transition for you and your family!

emily/thesearethedays said...

This is belated, but thanks, Julia! I really appreciated all of the prayers. I think they helped a lot!