Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coffee table musings

{all images belong to pottery barn}

Above is one of the coffee tables we're looking at for a potential replacement of current table. I haven't seen this one in real life, so I'm hoping that when we're out and about we can stop by and take a look at this so we can see. I love the pine, and it matches the current entertainment center (also known as the Alamo, which you can see here). I love that it opens and has room for trinkets and treasures. I think I could have a lot of fun finding whimsy to place inside of it, and I love that it's durable. I look forward to seeing it in person so I can decide if it's an investment piece we can be dedicated to putting in our home for the next many years.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

This would be perfect to replace my very cluttered coffee table. Being able to put stuff in the table and have it look like intentional decor would solve my problem with everything landing on/under the table and not being able to find anything.