Monday, January 4, 2010


Guess what came by way of UPS and those iconic black and white boxes? These babies. Both my mother-in-law and I ordered a set last week when Aaron and I were still in Nebraska. It will be fun to enjoy the only snow we'll see in Tallahassee for the rest of winter.
Also, I have to say this blanket is the greatest gift ever. I found out about it from my sister-in-law, who has one, and as soon as I got home I added it to our registry. Seriously, it's fleece on one side and amazing on the other. If you like blankets, buy it.

Today was the first official day in our home. What? Crazy. But exciting, nonetheless. Our apartment is full of unpacked boxes, and the only plan for tonight is to see Avatar in 3D at 8:45 tonight. Holy cow, being married is awesome today. Tomorrow, though, I'll be unpacking everything and putting it all in its correct cubbyhole. I'm not working this week, so my big goal for Tuesday and Wednesday is to empty the boxes completely and really, really find out where all this stuff should go.

Sidenote: We're moving in a month to a month and a half... yes. So all of this unpacking? It's practice for February, when we get to our final destination (fingers crossed) in Tallahassee. I don't know if we should break the boxes down and save them or if we should just toss them. Thoughts?

I feel like I haven't blogged in three years. So much has happened. We spent a great few days at home with my family, and it was tough to leave. It always feels so short.

So, yeah, scattered bits of life. The new life. Ahhh!

Also, here are a few of my resolutions:
resolved: write a screenplay, move in to a new apartment, thougtfully organize all of mine and aaron's stuff, learn to sew, use my new cookbooks and re-learn how to play tennis.
Copied and pasted from facebook. Good stuff.


Amanda said...

Build a fort out of the boxes and live in the fort until you move.

I fail to see anything wrong with that excellent idea. I mean how could it not be fun?

ash said...

ditto demanda/jamanda... although they take up space, it'll be a pain to try to find more next month... : ) happy unpacking, love!

Katie said...

I have the snowflake plate and matching bowl in my apartment! Too cute!

Glad things are going so well for you! :)

Katie said...

I have one of those snowfalke plates and a matching bowl. Too cute!

Also, I'm glad things are going so well for you! :)