Friday, April 15, 2011

What's your blog post about? Winning? -AEM

Source: via Emily on Pinterest

I hope your weekend is full of things you love. For me, this includes, but is not limited to:
  • a yummy cheese board (featuring fromage from my fave local Sweet Grass Dairy)
  • Mad Men season four (I forgot to turn in the second disc! So maybe not.)
  • schwimmin' pool weather (that makes four weekends in a row)
  • buying myself my favorite treat. This happens on the weekends and makes me feel fancy.
  • fighting the Toad for my pillow (this isn't a weekend occurrence—this actually happens every night). 
  • not sleeping in. Because I can't on the weekend. Ever.
  • some times of worship in all of its various forms; like...
  • cleaning! yes, therapeutic, deep-weekend-cleaning.
  • Seminole spring game and tailgate. I love working in higher education.

I love lists. Also,

  • The Pioneer Woman is getting a cooking show
  • Jennifer Little of Sugar Photography takes amazing pictures. I can't wait to show you the ones from the ice cream social.
  • My parents are in Nebraska this weekend for my cousin's confirmation. So proud of my youngest cousin Maggie! Also very much wishing I could see the Nebraska fam this week. 
  • I love home improvement. I am super excited for AllisonO of O My Family as she and her family finish their upstairs. Check out the video of the progress here! That natural light. Delicious. I want a house one day.
  • I'm one day shy of week 3 of C25K. I feel so good about it. Coupled with Jillian + Tony Horton Kicks Your Horton (shout out to Tia!), I think I will be good to go.
  • Aaron's going to be gone all weekend, per usual. I am excited about it, which is how I know it's close to the end of filming schedule. Because him "moving back in" will be a big adjustment. "Who are you? Why do you have a mustache? I don't care what we have for dinner!" are all things I will yell at him when he returns to a normal schedule. Plus side: I won't have to empty the trash can anymore. 
  • We introverts are special people. And, as earlier stated, lists: 

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