Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Disney film camera pictures

I've forgotten how fun it is to wait for your film to develop. We took along Aaron's 35mm camera so he could take some shots using the 50mm prime lens I got him as a wedding gift. I'm glad we lugged it around the parks because the quality of film is something I adore. I think we'll always use our film camera if for no other reason than waiting to see what our images look like is such a departure from our instantaneous society and, for me, a lesson in delayed gratification and patience. I loved having no idea what these pictures would look like until we developed them, and I think we got some very fun shots. I also took pictures on the digital camera, and I'll be posting those along with some more 35mm shots, but I haven't loaded them to the computer yet. We also took some fun videos. Did you know EPCOT stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow?

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