Friday, April 9, 2010

My small bob.

I'm in love with her.

I miss her so much every day when we are apart. So much that when I see her when I get home from class/she gets home from work, I wrap her in my arms and do nothing but hug her for about 5 minutes. It's a gentle reminder that we're home.

I can walk around this apartment, even with our little Livy, but without her it's empty. I need her laugh, her noms, her typing of the computer, her sleeping.

I don't pretend things are perfect in our relationship, but I've grown more in love with her these 3+ months of marriage than in any other time of our relationship.

She keeps me grounded in life while I'm in school. Something I didn't have last semester.

I can't explain how wonderful it is to have a "Good Morning" and a "Good Night" each day. And I can't leave out the "I love you's". Those lift my spirits more than anything.

1 comment:

emily/thesearethedays said...

I take it back. You're not Turd Ferguson.