Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In memory of Mr. Todd Henry

Today has been a trying, exhausting day. Todd R. Henry, a teacher at my dad's school, was fatally stabbed in his classroom today. Mr. Henry was a special education teacher, and he taught in the same class that my dad teaches in the football off season. Please keep the family and loved ones of Todd Henry in your thoughts and prayers tonight, as well as the loved ones of the student who committed this crime. Two families are inexplicably and horrendously torn by this crime. Had this happened in the spring, it could have been my family.

Mr. Henry was scheduled to play a concert tomorrow night, a passion in his life he will never be able to realize as he had planned.

For more information, you can go here.


ash said...

My prayers are with them and also your dad and your family as it rattle you as well. Know that the Wayne Gentrups have them in their prayers tonight as well! Love you!

emily/thesearethedays said...

Love you, too, Ash! Thank you!